Another tale of moving to Spain!

Moving to another country is a big decision. It certainly was for me and my family back in the seventies. Just recently though a certain Yorkshireman, his wife and daughter, decided to uproot and go for it!

They came to Nerja, in Spain.

Many books have been written on the subject, of throwing caution to the wind, and moving abroad, and each one is a personal account of their author’s successes or failures. But most times, they are full of charming, often humorous and sometimes catastrophic tales of what eventually went right, despite all the trials and tribulations along the way!

One such story has just been published by Steve Terry and is called “Me, Miguel and the Bear”.

An interesting title, that can only be deciphered by buying the book and reading an entertaining and true story of Steve and his family moving from Yorkshire to Nerja, in Spain.

The book can be purchased online at Amazon:
