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Coastal plan to prevent building within 500m of the sea in Andalucia

A NEW decree aims to protect Andalucia’s coastline by preventing anyone building on the first 500m of land.

Under the coastal protection plan, launched this week, no new construction projects can be launched and all existing plans will need to go through rigorous tests to prove they are environmentally viable.

The decree will affect 52 town halls stretching over a thousand kilometres of coastline.

The aim is to halt construction of all projects that were planned during the property boom of the 80s and 90s, but are not compatible with today’s regulations.

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Does this mean that the proposed camp site and hotel on El Pinet will not be allowed? If so, this is very good news for the El Pinet residents.

Democracy still reigns.

Commented Malcolm X in La Marina 2012-12-02 12:28:18 UTC