It’s Feria time in Vélez-Málaga, Torrox and Nerja – 2012

It’s fiesta time again with three back-to-back annual Ferias coming up in Vélez-Málaga, Torrox Costa and Nerja.

These popular, sometimes week long celebrations occur all over Spain, from the smallest village to the largest city. It’s an opportunity for the locals and tourists alike to switch off, let their hair down and enjoy the festivities on hand, with fair grounds and attractions, live music, make shift bars and restaurants (casetas), the election of the town’s Miss and Mister, sporting events, bull fighting (in the bigger towns and cities) plus anything and everything that adds to the show.

Annual Fairs run from spring to autumn across the country with the final ones celebrating in October each year.

The Feria “season” comes to an end with three local towns celebrating their annual “extravaganza” at the end of September and the beginning of October.

Feria de San Miguel – Vélez-Málaga

From the 25th – 30th September 2012.

Feria de Torrox & Torrox Costa

From 4th – 7th October 2012.

Feria de Nerja

From 7th – 10th October 2012.
